Topics for Master's thesis
IND=industrial project; UNI=inter-universities project; RIC=UniTN research project; INT=international project
Produzione di materiali e componenti per celle a combustibile SOFC e celle elettrolitiche SOEC
Production of materials and components for SOFC and SOEC
This project regards the fabrication, characterization and testing of planar or tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) able to work with fuels different than H2 and Solid Oxide Electrochemical Cell (SOEC) for CO2 recovery. UNI-RIC
Processi innovativi di tempra chimica del vetro per applicazioni nell'energia, nell'edilizia, nei sistemi di sicurezza e nel packaging farmaceutico
Ion-exchange processes for chemical tempering of glass articles
Innovative ion-exchange process will be studied for the mechanical reinforcement of silicate glass to be used in buildings, pharmaceutical devices, tough-screens, automotive parts. IND
Produzione di bioceramici a partire da polveri sintetizzate da prodotti di origine naturale
Production of bioceramics from powders synthesized from natural products
This project regards the synthesis of bioceramic powders starting from natural product (cuttlefish bone, eggs shell etc.) and successive consolidation to realize innovative bioceramics
Sinterizzazione di ceramici e vetri sotto campo elettrico (flash sintering) o a freddo (cold sintering)
Sintering of ceramics by flash or cold sintering
The aim is to analyze, understand and optimize the sintering process of ceramics and glass activated by the application of an electrical field. UNI-INT-IND
Produzione di materiali inorganici mediante additive manufacturing (stampa 3D)
Production of inorganic materials by additive manufacturing (3D printing)
Innovative processes will be studied and optimized for the production of inorganic materials (starting for example from glass or ceramic powders) by additive manufacturing techniques (3D printing process). UNI-IND
Progettazione e produzione di compositi ceramici ad elevata resistenza e affidabilità
Design and production of ceramics with high mechanical reliability
Ceramic laminates are designed and produced to obtain high mechanical reliability components for structural applications. UNI-RIC-INT
Caratterizzazione meccanica innovativa di materiali ceramici, vetri e vetroceramiche
Innovative procedures for the mechanical characterisation of glass, ceramics and glass-ceramic
New methods will be developed for the mechanical (strength, fracture resistance) of glass and ceramics. UNI-INT
For some of the proposed topics, part of the work can be carried out at collaborating companies (for example, Joint Research Centre - EC - Karlsruhe - D, TK srl - Como, Novaref - Verona, Vetrerieriunite - Verona, SolidPower - TN etc.) or foreign Universities (Univ. Colorado - Boulder - USA, Univ. San Carlos - Brasil, Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio, CSIC - Madrid - ES etc.) depending on the availability of the host institution
UNITN website)